Oceanic Expeditions


A 25 km open sea navigation heading south, is required to reach the Penguin Island Interjurisdictional Park.

We land carefully on the island to start the tour, after listening to our guide´s friendly uses of the protected area recommendations. Under the permanent guardianship of the last century´s Penguin lighthouse, we start our hiking, avoiding skuas flush flights and Magellanic penguins on their way to the sea. In this way we reach the highest part of the island, at the foot of the Penguin lighthouse which was built at the beginning of last century but still today it is used as a guide for sailors. Near it, there is the traffic light tower and the old ruins of a XVIII century sea lions´ factory. This is a stunning place to take panoramic views of impressive beauty.
This is how you reach the foot of the mythical Penguin Lighthouse that stands on the highest part of the island, which was built at the beginning of the last century and still serves as a guide for sailors today. Nearby is also the Semaphore Tower and the ruins of the old sea lion factory dating from the late 18th century. This is an incomparable panoramic point ideal for taking pictures.

Continuing the walk and descending through the rocky canyons, the tour offers tourists one of the few opportunities that exist in our country to observe the rockhopper penguin in its natural habitat, at an incredible distance. After a moment of meeting and through a natural talk by the marine biologist, the visitor learns that the island is home to a reproductive colony of more than 1,500 pairs, being the northernmost of this species. These penguins have the particularity of having a yellow tuft above their eyes and can be recognized from a distance by their characteristic jumping from rock to rock.

The voyage continues arriving at a permanent colony of male South American sea lions where you can usually also see southern elephant seals.

Again at the foot of the lighthouse there will be a rest time to share and observe the animals in their natural habitat and then resume the return to Puerto Deseado. Both during the trip, to and from the island, it is possible to see the friendly dolphins, the bottlenose dolphins and the southern dolphins that are characterized by being very social and accompanying the boats during their journey. It is also very possible to see typical marine birds such as albatrosses, petrels and cormorants.
Elefante marino
Pinguinos y gente
Bless are the curious for they shall have adventures.

Places we go

25 km of ocean navigation. Puerto Deseado, outer roadstead, Penguin Island

A 25 km open sea navigation heading south, is required to reach the Penguin Island Interjurisdictional Park.

We land carefully on the island to start the tour, after listening to our guide´s friendly uses of the protected area recommendations. Under the permanent guardianship of the last century´s Penguin lighthouse, we start our hiking, avoiding skuas flush flights and Magellanic penguins on their way to the sea. In this way we reach the highest part of the island, at the foot of the Penguin lighthouse which was built at the beginning of last century but still today it is used as a guide for sailors. Near it, there is the traffic light tower and the old ruins of a XVIII century sea lions´ factory. This is a stunning place to take panoramic views of impressive beauty.

Going through several canyons offer the travelers, one of the few opportunities that exist in our country to sight in their natural environment, at an incredible distance, rockhopper penguins.


Physical state: medium 

6 hours

Guided experience by bilingual 
marine biology

Difficulty level

Upon demand,
tailored for groups

What to bring
Trekking footwear.
Sunscreen. Water.
